Treasury of Truth
Illustrated Dhammapada
Ven . Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero
Verse 1. Suffering Follows The Evil-Doer
Verse 2. Happiness Follows The Doer of Good
Verse 3. Uncontrolled Hatred Leads to Harm
Verse 5. Hatred is Overcome Only by Non-hatred
Verse 6. Recollection of Death Brings Peace
Verse 7. Laziness Defeats Spirituality
Verse 8. Spiritual Strength is Undefeatable
Verse 9. Those Who Do Not Deserve the Stained Robe
Verse 10. The Virtuous Deserve the Stained Robe
Verse 11. False Values Bar Spiritual Progress
Verse 13. Lust Penetrates Untrained Mind
Verse 14. The Disciplined Mind Keeps Lust Away
Verse 15. Sorrow Springs From Evil Deeds
Verse 16. Good Deeds Bring Happiness
Verse 17. Evil Action Leads to Torment
Verse 18. Virtuous Deeds Make One Rejoice
Verse 19. Fruits of Religious Life Through Practice
Verse 20. Practice Ensures Fulfilment
Verse 21. Freedom Is Difficult
Verse 22. Freedom Is Difficult
Verse 23. Freedom Is Difficult
Verse 24. Glory Of The Mindful Increase
Verse 25. Island Against Floods
Verse 26. Treasured Mindfulness
Verse 27. Meditation Leads To Bliss
Verse 28. The Sorrowless View The World
Verse 29. The Mindful One Is Way Ahead Of Others
Verse 30. Mindfulness Made Him Chief Of Gods
Verse 32. The Heedful Advances To Nibbana
Verse 33. The Wise Person Straightens The Mind
Verse 35. Restrained Mind Leads To Happiness
Verse 36. Protected Mind Leads To Happiness
Verse 37. Death’s Snare Can Be Broken By Tamed Mind
Verse 38. Wisdom Does Not Grow If the Mind Wavers
Verse 39. The Wide-Awake Is Unfrightened
Verse 40. Weapons To Defeat Death
Verse 41. Without The Mind, Body Is Worthless
Verse 42. All Wrong Issue Out Of Evil Mind
Verse 43. Well-Trained Mind Excels People
Verse 45. The Seeker Understands
Verse 47. Pleasure Seeker Is Swept Away
Verse 48. Attachment To Senses If Folly
Verse 49. The Monk In The Village
Verse 50. Look Inwards And Not At Others
Verse 51. Good Words Attract Only Those Who Practice
Verse 52. Good Words Profit Only Those Who Practise
Verse 53. Those Born Into This World Must Acquire Much Merit
Verse 54. Fragrance of Virtue Spreads Everywhere
Verse 55. Fragrance Of Virtue Is The Sweetest Smell
Verse 56. Fragrance Of Virtue Wafts To Heaven
Verse 57. Death Cannot Trace The Path Of Arahats
Verse 58. Lotus Is Attractive Though In A Garbage Heap
Verse 59. Arahats Shine Wherever They Are
Verse 60. Samsara Is Long To The Ignorant
Verse 61. Do Not Associate With The Ignorant
Verse 62. Ignorance Brings Suffering
Verse 63. Know Reality Be Wise
Verse 64. The Ignorant Cannot Benefit From The Wise
Verse 65. Profit From The Wise
Verse 66. A Sinner Is One’s Own Foe
Verse 67. Do What Brings Happiness
Verse 68. Happiness Results From Good Deeds
Verse 69. Sin Yields Bitter Results
Verse 70. The Unconditioned Is The Highest Achievement
Verse 71. Sin Is Like Sparks Of Fire Hidden In Ashes
Verse 72. The Knowledge Of The Wicked Splits His Head
Verse 73. Desire For Pre-Eminence
Verse 74. The Ignorant are Ego-Centred
Verse 76. Treasure The Advice Of The Wise
Verse 77. The Virtuous Cherish Good Advice
Verse 78. In The Company Of The Virtuous
Verse 79. Living Happily In The Dhamma
Verse 80. The Wise Control Themselves
Verse 81. The Wise Are Steadfast
Verse 83. The Wise Are Tranquil
Verse 84. The Wise Live Correctly
Verse 85. A Few Reach The Other Shore
Verse 86. Those Who Follow The Dhamma Are Liberated
Verse 87. Liberation Through Discipline
Verse 89. Arahats Are Beyond Worldliness
Verse 90. Passion’s Fever Gone
Verse 91. Saints Are Non-Attached
Verse 92. Blameless Is The Nature Of Saints
Verse 93. Arahat’s State Cannot Be Traced
Verse 94. The Gods Adore Arahats
Verse 96. The Tranquillity Of The Saints
Verse 97. Exalted Are The Unblemished
Verse 98. Dwelling Of The Unblemished Is Alluring
Verse 99. The Passionless Delight In Forests
Verse 100. One Pacifying Word Is Noble
Verse 101. One Useful Verse Is Better Than A Thousand Useless Verses
Verse 102. A Dhamma-Word Is Noble
Verse 103. Self-Conquest Is The Highest Victory
Verse 104. Victory Over Oneself Is Unequalled
Verse 105. Victory Over Self Cannot Be Undone
Verse 106. The Greatest Offering
Verse 107. Even Brief Adoration Of An Arahat Is Fruitful
Verse 108. Worshipping An Unblemished Individual Is Noble
Verse 109. Saluting Venerables Yields Four Benefits
Verse 110. Virtuous Life Is Noble
Verse 111. A Wise One’s Life Is Great
Verse 112. The Person Of Effort Is Worthy
Verse 113. Who Knows Reality Is Great
Verse 114. The Seer Of The Deathless Is A Worthy One
Verse 115. Life Of One Who Knows The Teaching is Noble
Verse 116. Never Hesitate To Do Good
Verse 117. Do No Evil Again And Again
Verse 118. Accumulated Merit Leads To Happiness
Verse 119. Evil Seems Sweet Until It Ripens
Verse 120. Good May Seem Bad Until Good Mature
Verse 121. Take Not Evil Lightly
Verse 122. Merit Grows Little By Little
Verse 123. Shun Evil As Poison
Verse 124. Evil Results From Bad Intentions
Verse 125. Wrong Done To Others Returns To Doer
Verse 126. Those Who Pass Away
Verse 127. Shelter Against Death
Verse 128. No Escape From Death
Verse 129. Of Others Think Of As Your Own Self
Verse 130. To All Life Is Dear
Verse 131. Those Who Do Not Receive Happiness
Verse 132. Those Who Do Not Receive Happiness
Verse 133. Retaliation Brings Unhappiness
Verse 134. Tranquillity Should Be Preserved
Verse 135. Decay And Death Terminate Life
Verse 136. Results Of Evil Torment The Ignorant
Verse 137. The Evil Results of Hurting The Pious
Verse 138. Evil Results Of Hurting Harmless Saints
Verse 139. Harming The Holy Is Disastrous
Verse 140. Woeful States In The Wake Of Evil Doing
Verse 141. Practices That Will Not Lead To Purity
Verse 142. Costumes Do Not Mar Virtue
Verse 143. Avoid Evil Through Shame
Verse 144. Effort Is Necessary To Avoid Suffering
Verse 145. Those Who Restrain Their Own Mind
Verse 146. One Pacifying Word Is Noble
Verse 147. Behold The True Nature Of The Body
Verse 149. A Sight That Stops Desire
Verse 150. The Body Is A City Of Bones
Verse 151. Buddha’s Teaching Never Decays
Verse 152. Body Fattens – Mind Does Not
Verse 153. Seeing The Builder of The House
Verse 154. Thy Building Material Is Broken
Verse 156. Nostalgia For Past Glory
Verse 157. Safeguard Your Own Self
Verse 158. Giver Advice While Being Virtuous Yourself
Verse 159. Discipline Yourself Before You Do Others
Verse 160. One Is One’s Best Saviour
Verse 161. The Unwise Person Comes To Grief On His Own
Verse 162. Evil Action Crushes The Doer
Verse 163. Doing Good Unto One’s Own Self Is Difficult
Verse 164. The Wicked Are Self-Destructive
Verse 165. Purity, Impurity Self-Created
Verse 166. Help Others – But Promote One’s Own Good
Verse 167. Do Not Cultivate The Worldly
Verse 168. The Righteous Are Happy – Here And Hereafter
Verse 169. Behave According To The Teaching
Verse 170. Observe The Impermanence Of Life
Verse 171. The Disciplined Are Not Attached To The Body
Verse 172. The Diligent Illumine The World
Verse 173. Evil Is Overcome By Good
Verse 174. Without Eye of Wisdom, This World Is Blind
Verse 175. The Wise Travel Beyond The Worldly
Verse 176. A Liar Can Commit Any Crime
Verse 177. Happiness Through Partaking In Good Deeds
Verse 178. Being Stream-Winner Is Supreme
Verse 179. The Buddha Cannot Be Tempted
Verse 180. The Buddha Cannot Be Brought Under Sway
Verse 181. Gods And Men Adore The Buddha
Verse 182. Four Rare Opportunities
Verse 183. The Instructions Of The Buddha
Verse 184. Patience Is A Great Ascetic Virtue
Verse 186. Sensual Pleasures Never Satiated
Verse 187. Shun Worldly Pleasures
Verse 188. Fear Stricken Masses
Verse 189. Those Refuges Do Not Help
Verse 190. Seeing Four Noble Truths
Verse 192. The Refuge That Ends All Suffering
Verse 193. Rare Indeed Is Buddha’s Arising
Verse 194. Four Factors of Happiness
Verse 195. Worship Those Who Deserve Adoration
Verse 196. Worship Brings Limitless Merit
Verse 198. Without Sickness Among The Sick
Verse 199. Not Anxious Among The Anxious
Verse 200. Happily They Live – Undefiled
Verse 201. Happy About Both Victory And Defeat
Verse 202. Happiness Tranquilizes
Verse 203. Worst Disease And Greatest Happiness
Verse 204. Four Supreme Acquisitions
Verse 205. The Free Are The Purest
Verse 208. The Good And The Wise
Verse 209. Admiration of Self-Seekers
Verse 210. Not Seeing The Liked And Seeing The Unliked Are Both Painful
Verse 211. Not Bound By Ties Of Defilements
Verse 212. The Outcome Of Endearment
Verse 213. Sorrow And Fear Arise Due To Loved Ones
Verse 214. The Outcome Of Passion
Verse 215. The Outcome Of Lust
Verse 216. Sorrow And Fear Arise Due To Miserliness
Verse 217. Beloved Of The Masses
Verse 218. The Person With Higher Urges
Verse 219. The Fruits Of Good Action
Verse 220. Good Actions Lead To Good Results
Verse 221. He Who Is Not Assaulted By Sorrow
Verse 222. The Efficient Charioteer
Verse 223. Four Forms Of Victories
Verse 224. Three Factors Leading To Heaven
Verse 225. Those Harmless One Reach The Deathless
Verse 226. Yearning For Nibbana
Verse 227. There Is No One Who Is Not Blamed
Verse 228. No One Is Exclusively Blamed Or Praised
Verse 229. Person Who Is Always Praise-Worthy
Verse 230. Person Who Is Like Solid Gold
Verse 231. The Person Of Bodily Discipline
Verse 232. Virtuous Verbal Behaviour
Verse 233. Discipline Your Mind
Verse 234. Safeguard The Three Doors
Verse 235. Man At The Door Of Death
Verse 237. In The Presence Of King Of Death
Verse 238. Avoid The Cycle Of Existence
Verse 239. Purify Yourself Gradually
Verse 240. One’s Evil Ruins One’s Own Self
Verse 242. Ignorance Is The Greatest Taint
Verse 243. Ignorance The Worst Taint
Verse 244. The Shameless Life Is Easy
Verse 245. For A Modest Person Life Is Hard
Verse 246. Wrong Deeds To Avoid
Verse 247. Precepts The Lay Person Should Follow
Verse 248. These Precepts Prevent Suffering
Verse 249. The Envious Are Not At Peace
Verse 250. The Unenvious Are At Peace
Verse 251. Craving Is The Worst Flood
Verse 252. Easy To See Are The Faults Of Others
Verse 253. Seeing Others Faults
Verse 254. Nothing Is Eternal Other Than Nibbana
Verse 255. The Buddha Has No Anxiety
Verse 256. The Just And The Impartial Judge Best
Verse 257. Firmly Rooted In The Law
Verse 258. Who Speaks A Lot Is Not Necessarily Wise
Verse 259. Those Who Know Speak Little
Verse 260. Grey Hair Alone Does Not Make An Elder
Verse 261. The Person Full Of Effort Is The True Elder
Verse 262. Who Gives Up Jealousy Is Good-Natured
Verse 263. Who Uproots Evil Is The Virtuous One
Verse 264. Shaven Head Alone Does Not Make A Monk
Verse 265. Who Give Up Evil Is True Monk
Verse 266. One Is Not A Monk Merely By Begging Alms Food
Verse 267. The Holy Life Makes a Monk
Verse 268. Silence Alone Does Not Make A Sage
Verse 269. Only True Wisdom Makes a Sage
Verse 270. True Ariyas Are Harmless
Verse 271. A Monk Should Destroy All Passions
Verse 272. Blemishes Should Be Given Up To Reach Release
Verse 273. The Eight-fold Path Is Best
Verse 274. The Only Path To Purity
Verse 275. The Path To End Suffering
Verse 276. Buddhas Only Shows The Way
Verse 277. Conditioned Things Are Transient
Verse 278. All Component Things Are Sorrow
Verse 279. Everything Is Soul-less
Verse 280. The Lazy Miss The Path
Verse 281. Purify Your Thoughts, Words And Deeds
Verse 282. Way To Increase Wisdom
Verse 284. Attachment To Women
Verse 287. Death Takes Away The Attached
Verse 288. No Protection When Needed
Verse 289. The Path To The Deathless
Verse 290. Give Up A Little, Achieve Much
Verse 291. When Anger Does Not Abate
Verse 292. How Blemishes Increase
Verse 293. Mindfulness Of Physical Reality
Verse 294. The Destroyer Who Reaches Nibbana
Verse 295. The ‘Killer’ Who Goes Free
Verse 296. Reflect On The Virtues Of The Buddha
Verse 297. Reflect On The Virtues Of The Dhamma
Verse 298. Reflect On The Virtues Of The Sangha
Verse 299. Reflect On The Real Nature of the Body
Verse 300. Reflect On Harmlessness
Verse 301. The Mind That Takes Delight in Meditation
Verse 303. He Is Honoured Everywhere
Verse 304. The Virtuous Are Seen
Verse 305. Discipline Yourself In Solitude
Verse 306. Liars Suffer Tortures Of Hell
Verse 307. Evil Men Get Born In Bad States
Verse 308. Food Fit For Sinners
Verse 309. The Man Who Covets Another’s Wife
Verse 311. Wrong Monastic Life Leads To Bad States
Verse 312. Three Things That Will Not Yield Good Results
Verse 313. Do Merit With Commitment
Verse 314. Good Deeds Never Make You Repent
Verse 316. False Beliefs Lead To Hell
Verse 317. Fear And Fearlessness In Wrong Places
Verse 319. Right Understanding
Verse 320. The Buddha’s Endurance
Verse 321. The Disciplined Animal
Verse 322. The Most Disciplined Animal
Verse 323. The Right Vehicle To Nibbana
Verse 325. The Slothful, Greedy Sleeper Returns to Samsara, Over and Over
Verse 326. Restrain Mind As A Mahout An Elephant In Rut
Verse 328. Cherish The Company Of The Good
Verse 330. For The Solitary The Needs Are Few
Verse 332. Blessing To Be An Arahat
Verse 333. Four Forms Of Blessing
Verse 334. The Increase Of Craving
Verse 335. How Craving Increases
Verse 338. Craving Uneradicated Brings Suffering Over and Over
Verse 339. Caught In The Currents Of Craving
Verse 340. The Creeper of Craving
Verse 341. Bliss Does Not Come Through Craving
Verse 342. The Bonds That Entrap Men
Verse 343. Nibbana By Shunning Craving
Verse 344. Freed From Craving Runs Back To Craving
Verse 345. Bonds Of Attachment
Verse 346. Bonds Are Strong, But The Wise Get Rid Of Them
Verse 347. Spider Web Of Passion
Verse 348. Reaching The Further Shore
Verse 349. Craving Tightens Bonds
Verse 350. He Cuts Off Bonds Of Mara
Verse 351. The Person Who Has Reached The Goal
Verse 352. The Man Of Great Wisdom
Verse 353. Buddha Is Teacherless
Verse 354. The Conquest Of All Suffering
Verse 355. Wealth Destroys The Ignorant
Verse 356. Those Without The Bane Of Passion
Verse 357. Those Without The Bane Of Ill-Will
Verse 358. Those Without The Bane Of Illusion
Verse 359. Those Without The Bane Of Greed
Verse 361. Suffering End With All-Round Discipline
Verse 364. The Monk Abides in Dhamma
Verse 365. Accept What One Receives
Verse 366. The Gods Adore Virtuous Monks
Verse 367. He Is A Monk Who Has No Attachment
Verse 368. The Monk Who Radiates Loving-Kindness Radiates Peace
Verse 369. Give Up Lust And Hatred
Verse 370. Flood-Crosser Is One Who Has Giver Up The Fetters
Verse 372. There Is No Wisdom In Those Who Do Not Think
Verse 373. He Who Is Calm Experiences Transcendental Joy
Verse 374. He Is Happy Who Reflects On Rise And Fall
Verse 375. A Wise Monk Possess His Cardinal Virtues
Verse 376. A Monk Should Be Cordial In All His Ways
Verse 377. Cast Off Lust And Hatred
Verse 378. He Is Peaceful Who Is Free From All Worldly Things
Verse 379. He Who Guards Himself Lives Happily
Verse 380. Your Are Your Own Saviour
Verse 381. With Joy And Faith Try To Win Your Goal
Verse 382. Even A Young Monk, If Devoted, Can Illuminate The Whole World
Verse 383. Be A Knower Of The Deathless
Verse 384. Cultivate Concentration
Verse 385. The Unfettered Person Is A Brahmana
Verse 386. Who Is Contemplative And Pure Is A Brahmin
Verse 387. The Buddha Shines Day And Night
Verse 388. He Who Had Discarded All Evil Is Holy
Verse 390. An Arahat Does Not Retaliate
Verse 391. The Well-Restrained Is Truly A Brahmin
Verse 392. Honour To Whom Honour Is Due
Verse 393. One Does Not Become A Brahmin Merely By Birth
Verse 395. Who Meditates Alone in the Forest Is A Brahmana
Verse 396. Non-Possessive And The Non-Attached Person Is A Brahmana
Verse 397. A Brahmana Is He Who Has Destroyed All Fetters
Verse 398. A Brahmana Is He Who Has No Hatred
Verse 399. A Brahmana Is He Who Is Patient
Verse 400. A Brahmana Is He Who Is Not Wrathful
Verse 401. He Is A Brahmana Who Clings Not To Sensual Pleasures
Verse 402. A Brahmana Is He Who Has Laid The Burden Aside
Verse 403. A Brahmana Is He Who Has Reached His Ultimate Goal
Verse 404. A Brahmana Is He Who Has No Intimacy With Any
Verse 405. A Brahmana Is He Who Is Absolutely Harmless
Verse 406. A Brahmana Is He Who Is Friendly Amongst The Hostile
Verse 407. A Brahmana Is He Who Has Discarded All Passions
Verse 408. A Brahmana Is He Who Gives Offence To None
Verse 409. A Brahmana Is He Who Steals Not
Verse 410. A Brahmana Is He Who Is Desireless
Verse 411. In Whom There Is No Clinging
Verse 412. Above Both Good And Evil
Verse 414. The Tranquil Person
Verse 415. Freed From Temptation
Verse 418. The Person Whose Mind Is Cool
Verse 421. He Yearns For Nothing