Verse 123. Shun Evil As Poison

As merchant on a perilous path,
great wealth having little guard,
as life-loving man with poison
so with evil heedful be.

Explanation: A rich and wise trader carrying goods will scrupulously avoid a risky road, especially if he does not have an adequate escort to ensure safety. Again an individual fond of his life will very carefully avoid poison. In the same way, one must totally avoid evil.

The Story of Mahadhana (Verse 123)

While residing at the Jetavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Mahadhana the merchant.

Mahadhana was a rich merchant from Savatthi. On one occasion, five hundred robbers were planning to rob him, but they did not get the chance to rob him. In the meantime, they heard that the merchant would soon be going out with five hundred carts loaded with valuable merchandise. The merchant Mahadhana also invited the monks who would like to go on the same journey to accompany him, and he promised to look to their needs on the way. So, five hundred monks accompanied him. The robbers got news of the trip and went ahead to lie in wait for the caravan of the merchant. But the merchant stopped at the outskirts of the forest where the robbers were waiting. The caravan was to move on after camping there for a few days. The robbers got the news of the impending departure and made ready to loot the caravan; the merchant, in his turn, also got news of the movements of the bandits and he decided to return home. The bandits now heard that the merchant would go home; so they waited on the homeward way. Some villagers sent word to the merchant about the movements of the bandits, and the merchant finally decided to remain in the village for some time. When he told the monks about his decision, the monks returned to Savatthi by themselves.

On arrival at the Jitavana Monastery, they went to the Buddha and informed him about the cancellation of their trip.

To them, the Buddha said, “Monks, Mahadhana keeps away from the journey beset with bandits, one who does not want to die keeps away from poison; so also, a wise monk, realizing that the three levels of existence are like a journey beset with danger, should strive to keep away from doing evil”.

Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada – 423 Verses

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