Verse 179. The Buddha Cannot Be Tempted

That Buddha traceless of infinite range
whose victory none may e’er undo,
whose vanquished follow to no world,
then by which track will you trace him?

Explanation: The Buddha’s victory has not been won incorrectly. No one can turn Buddha’s victory into defeat. Nothing that he has conquered can return, or pursue him, because his conquest is so complete: His ken infinite, In what way can you tempt or ensnare him. Continue reading “Verse 179. The Buddha Cannot Be Tempted”

Verse 177. Happiness Through Partaking In Good Deeds

To heavenly realms the mean don’t fare,
fools magnanimity ne’er acclaim,
but the one of wisdom rejoices at giving
and happy will be in future lives.

Explanation: The extreme misers do not reach the heavenly worlds. The evil ignorant ones do not approve acts of charity. But those noble ones approve and partake of charity. In consequence, they are happy in the next birth. Continue reading “Verse 177. Happiness Through Partaking In Good Deeds”

Verse 175. The Wise Travel Beyond The Worldly

Swans upon the sun’s path fly,
the powerful through space,
conquering Mara and his host
away from the world the wise are led.

Explanation: The swans fly away in the sky – as the path of the sun. Those possessing psychic power travel through the sky. Those diligent, wise saint conquer death with his armies and leave the world and reach Nibbana. Continue reading “Verse 175. The Wise Travel Beyond The Worldly”

Verse 174. Without Eye of Wisdom, This World Is Blind

This world is blind-become
few are here who see within
as few the birds break free from net
so those who go to heavens.

Explanation: Most people in this world are unable to see. They cannot see reality properly. Of those, only a handful are capable of insight. Only they see well. A few, like a stray bird escaping the net, can reach heaven. Continue reading “Verse 174. Without Eye of Wisdom, This World Is Blind”