Verse 131. Those Who Do Not Receive Happiness

Whoever harms with force
those desiring happiness,
as seeker after happiness
one gains no future joy.

Explanation: People who like to be happy and are in search of pleasure hurt others through various acts of violence for their own happiness. These victims too want to be happy as much as those who inflict pain on them. Those who inflict pain do not achieve happiness even in their next birth. Continue reading “Verse 131. Those Who Do Not Receive Happiness”

Verse 127. Shelter Against Death

Neither in sky nor surrounding by sea,
nor by dwelling in a mountain cave,
nowhere is found that place in earth
where one’s from evil kamma free.

Explanation: There is not a single spot on Earth an evil-doer can take shelter in to escape the results of evil actions. No such place is seen out there in space, or in the middle of the ocean. Neither in an opening, a cleft or a crevice in a rocky mountain can he shelter to escape the results of his evil action. Continue reading “Verse 127. Shelter Against Death”

Verse 126. Those Who Pass Away

Some find birth within a womb,
evil-doer quicken in hell,
good-farers to the heavens go,
the Unpolluted wholly cool.

Explanation: Some, after death, receive conception in wombs, Those who have committed sins in their lifetime are reborn in hell. Those whose ways have been virtuous when they were alive go to heaven when they die. These blemishless ones who are totally free of taints and corruptions, achieve total Nibbana, on giving up their mortal lives. Continue reading “Verse 126. Those Who Pass Away”

Verse 125. Wrong Done To Others Returns To Doer

Who offends the inoffensive,
the innocent and blameless one,
upon that fool does evil fall
as fine dust flung against the wind.

Explanation: If an ignorant person were to become harsh and crude towards a person who is without blemishes, pure, and is untouched by corruption, that sinful act will return to the evil-doer. It is very much like the fine dust thrown against the wind. The dust will return to the thrower. Continue reading “Verse 125. Wrong Done To Others Returns To Doer”