Verse 142. Costumes Do Not Mar Virtue

Even though adorned, if living in peace
calm, tamed, established in the holy life,
for beings all laying force aside:
one pure, one peaceful, a bhikkhu is he.

Explanation: Although a person may be attractively dressed, he behave in a harmonious manner. He is tranquil, restrained: assured of liberation. He leads the religious life. He is not violent towards beings. Such a person is truly a priest (brahmana) and a mendicant monk (bhikkhu). Continue reading “Verse 142. Costumes Do Not Mar Virtue”

Verse 141. Practices That Will Not Lead To Purity

Not going naked, nor matted hair, nor filth,
nor fasting, not sleeping on bare earth,
no penance on heels, nor sweat nor grime
can purify a mortal still overcome by doubt.

Explanation: A person seeking the purification of his soul may practice the ritual of wandering about naked; or else he may wear turbans; he may even smear his body with mud; he may even refrain from partaking of food as an austerity to obtain purity; he may lie on bare earth; or else he may throw dust all over his body. And again, some may practice a squatting posture. All of these will not wash a person into spiritual purity if his wavering of mind is not overcome. Continue reading “Verse 141. Practices That Will Not Lead To Purity”