Verse 33. The Wise Person Straightens The Mind

Mind agitated, wavering,
hard to guard and hard to check,
one of wisdom renders straight
as arrow-maker a shaft.

Explanation: In the Dhammapada there are several references to the craftsmanship of the fletcher. The Buddha seems to have observed the process through which a fletcher transforms an ordinary stick into an efficient arrow-shaft. The disciplining of the mind is seen as being a parallel process. In this stanza the Buddha says that the wise one straightens and steadies the vacillating mind that is difficult to guard, like a fletcher straightening an arrow-shaft.

The Story of Venerable Meghiya (Verses 33 & 34)

While residing on the Calika Mountain, the Buddha spoke these verses, with reference to Venerable Meghiya.

Once, by reason of attachment to the three evil thoughts, lust, hatred, delusion, Venerable Meghiya was unable to practice Exertion in this mango-grove and returned to the Buddha. The Buddha said to him, “Meghiya, you committed a grievous fault. I asked you to remain, saying to you, ‘I am now alone, Meghiya. Just wait until some other monk appears’ But despite my request, you went your way. A monk should never leave me alone and go his way when I ask him to remain. A monk should never be controlled thus by his thoughts. As for thoughts, they are flighty, and a man ought always to keep them under his own control.”

At the conclusion of the stanzas Meghiya was established in the fruit of conversion and many other monks in the fruits of the second and third paths.


Treasury of Truth: Illustrated Dhammapada – 423 Verses

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