Verse 123. Shun Evil As Poison

As merchant on a perilous path,
great wealth having little guard,
as life-loving man with poison
so with evil heedful be.

Explanation: A rich and wise trader carrying goods will scrupulously avoid a risky road, especially if he does not have an adequate escort to ensure safety. Again an individual fond of his life will very carefully avoid poison. In the same way, one must totally avoid evil. Continue reading “Verse 123. Shun Evil As Poison”

Verse 122. Merit Grows Little By Little

Think lightly not of goodness,
‘It will not come to me’,
for by the falling of water drops
a water jar is filled.
The sage with goodness fills himself,
he soaks up little by little.

Explanation: Some tend to think that virtue can be taken lightly, and that virtue practiced is not likely to bring about any spectacular good results. This view is not quite correct. The good done by an individual accumulates little by little. The process is very much like the filling of a water-pot, drop by drop. As time goes on, the little acts of virtue accumulate, until the doer of good is totally filled with it. Continue reading “Verse 122. Merit Grows Little By Little”

Verse 121. Take Not Evil Lightly

Think lightly not of evil,
‘It will not come to me’,
for by the falling of water drops
a water jar is filled.
The fool with evil fills himself,
he soaks up little by little.

Explanation: Some tend to believe that evil can be taken lightly. There attitude to wrong-doing is that they can get away with anything whatsoever. They say in effect: “I will behave in the way I want. Evil results will never come my way.” But evil accumulates little by little – very much like a water-pot being filled drop by drop. Little by little the evil accumulates, until he is filled with it. Continue reading “Verse 121. Take Not Evil Lightly”