Verse 293. Mindfulness Of Physical Reality

But for who always practice well
bodily mindfulness,
do never what should not be done,
for mindful ones, the full-aware,
pollutions fade away.

Explanation: If one were to practice constantly on the mindfulness of physical reality, maintaining steady attention on what has to be done, they will shun what should not be done. The blemishes of those mindful, alert will get eroded. Continue reading “Verse 293. Mindfulness Of Physical Reality”

Verse 287. Death Takes Away The Attached

For one who has a clinging mind
and finds delight in babes and herds
Death does seize and carry away
as great flood a sleeping village.

Explanation: Men are proud that they process children, cattle and other forms of wealth. They tend to be proud that way because their minds are overcome with blemishes. Floods sweep away a sleeping village, taking along all its people and their possessions. In the same way, death comes unaware and sweeps along the people however proud they are of their possessions. Continue reading “Verse 287. Death Takes Away The Attached”