Verse 338. Craving Uneradicated Brings Suffering Over and Over

As tree though felled shoots up again
it its roots are safe and firm
so this dukkha grows again
while latent craving’s unremoved.

Explanation: Even when a tree has been cut down, it will grow up again if its roots are strong and unharmed. Similarly, when traces of craving remain, the suffering is likely to arise again and again. Continue reading “Verse 338. Craving Uneradicated Brings Suffering Over and Over”

Verse 337. Uprooting Craving

Prosperity to you, I say,
to all assembled here!
When needing grass’s fragrant root
so craving extirpate.
Don’t let Mara break you again
and again as a torrent a reed!

Explanation: All those here assembled, may you all be well. I will advise you towards your well-being. The person who is keen to get sweet-smelling usira roots must first dig up the birana grass roots. In the same way, dig up the roots of craving. If you did that, Mara – death – will not torture you over and over like a flood crushing reed. Continue reading “Verse 337. Uprooting Craving”