Verse 353. Buddha Is Teacherless

Beyond all beings, wise to all,
unsoiled by dhamma all am I,
left all and freed by craving’s end,
by self I’ve known, whom teacher call?

Explanation: I have overcome all, I know all, I am detached from all, I have given up all; I am liberated from moral defilements having eradicated craving. Having comprehended the four noble truths by myself, whom shall I point out as my teacher. Continue reading “Verse 353. Buddha Is Teacherless”

Verse 352. The Man Of Great Wisdom

One of clinging-craving free,
who’s skilled in way of chanting,
knowing the wording-sequence,
of what precedes and follows,
possessed of final body,
one greatly wise, great person called.

Explanation: He is free of craving and devoid of grasping. He is well versed in etymology and in usages. He is aware of characters and their deployment into combinations. He knows the sequence of letters. He knows the old dialect. This is his last body. That person is a great wise man. Continue reading “Verse 352. The Man Of Great Wisdom”

Verse 346. Bonds Are Strong, But The Wise Get Rid Of Them

That bond is strong, proclaim the wise,
down-dragging, pliable, hard to lose.
This passion severed, they wander forth
forsaking sensual pleasures.

Explanation: The wise agree that this is a strong bond. It tends to deprave. Though this seems a lax knot, it is difficult to untie it to be free. However difficult the process is, freeing themselves from yearning for sensual pleasures, the wise leave household life and become ascetics. Continue reading “Verse 346. Bonds Are Strong, But The Wise Get Rid Of Them”

Verse 344. Freed From Craving Runs Back To Craving

Who without woodness inclines to the wood.
Free in the wood to woodness returns.
Do now regard that person well
who free returns to fetter.

Explanation: Having left the forest of desire he takes to the forest of the practice (i.e. the life of a monk); but when he is free from the forest of desire he rushes back to that very forest. Come, look at that man who having become free rushes back into that very bondage. Continue reading “Verse 344. Freed From Craving Runs Back To Craving”