Verse 101. One Useful Verse Is Better Than A Thousand Useless Verses

Though a thousand verses be
composed of meaningless lines,
better the single line of verse
one hears, then comes to calm.

Explanation: A poem replete with thousands of verses is of no value if it has no useful meaning. One single stanza pregnant with wisdom is more valuable, if hearing it one is pacified. Continue reading “Verse 101. One Useful Verse Is Better Than A Thousand Useless Verses”

Verse 99. The Passionless Delight In Forests

Delightful are the forests
where folk do not delight,
there the Passionless delight,
they’re not pleasure-seekers.

Explanation: Those fascinating forests that do not capture the mind of the worldly masses and in which they do not take worldly delight are attractive to the passionless ones. The Arahats take delight in the forests, because they are not pursuers of sensual pleasures. Continue reading “Verse 99. The Passionless Delight In Forests”

Verse 97. Exalted Are The Unblemished

With no beliefs, the Unmade known,
with fetters finally severed,
with kammas cut and craving shed,
attained to humanity’s heights.

Explanation: He has no faith in anybody but in himself. He is aware of deathlessness – the unconditioned. He is a breaker of connections, because he has severed all worldly links. He has destroyed all the opportunities for rebirth. He has given up all desires. Because of these, the arahat, is a truly noble person. Continue reading “Verse 97. Exalted Are The Unblemished”

Verse 95. Arahats Are Noble

Like earth is one who’s well-behaved,
secure and not resentful,
as city-post, as filth-free lake,
no wanderings-on for One Who’s Thus.

Explanation: The noble Arahats never lose their temper whatsoever is done to them. They are firm and unshaken as the gate-pillars that secure the city gates. They are as lucid and tranquil as the ocean and the lakes devoid of mud. That kind of person ceases to wander in the round of existence – samsara. Continue reading “Verse 95. Arahats Are Noble”