Verse 185. Noble Guidelines

Not reviling, neither harming,
restrained to limit ‘freedom’s’ way,
knowing reason in one’s food,
dwelling far in solitude,
and striving in the mind sublime:
this is the Buddha’s Teaching.

Explanation: To refrain from finding fault with others; to refrain from hurting others, to be trained in the highest forms of discipline and conduct; to be moderate in eating food; to take delight in solitude; and to engage in higher thought (which is meditation). This is the Buddha’s Teaching.

The Story of the Question Raised by Venerable Ananda (Verses 183 – 185)

Verse 184. Patience Is A Great Ascetic Virtue

Patience’s the austerity supreme,
Nibbana’s supreme the Buddhas say.
One who irks or others harms
is not ordained or monk become.

Explanation: Enduring patience is the highest asceticism. The Buddhas say that imperturbability (Nibbana) is the most supreme. One is not a renunciate if he hurts another. Only one who does not harm others is a true saint (samana).

The Story of the Question Raised by Venerable Ananda (Verses 183 – 185)