Verse 210. Not Seeing The Liked And Seeing The Unliked Are Both Painful

Don’t consort with dear ones
at any time, nor those not dear,
‘is dukkha not to see the dear,
’tis dukkha seeing those not dear.

Explanation: Never associate with those whom you like, as well as with those whom you dislike. It is painful to part company from those whom you like. It is equally painful to be with those you dislike. Continue reading “Verse 210. Not Seeing The Liked And Seeing The Unliked Are Both Painful”

Verse 208. The Good And The Wise

Thus go with the steadfast, wise, well-versed,
firm of virtue, practice-pure,
Ennobled ‘Such’, who’s sound, sincere,
as moon in wake of the Milky Way.

Explanation: The moon keeps to the path of the stars. In exactly the same way, one must seek out the company of such noble persons who are non-fluctuating, endowed with deep wisdom, greatly learned, capable of sustained effort, dutiful, noble, and are exalted human beings. Continue reading “Verse 208. The Good And The Wise”

Verse 207. Happy Company

Who moves among fool’s company
must truly grieve for long,
for ill the company of fools
as ever that of foes,
but weal’s a wise one’s company
as meeting of one’s folk.

Explanation: A person who keeps company with the ignorant will grieve over a long period of time. Association with the ignorant is like keeping company with enemies – it always leads to grief. Keeping company with the wise is like a reunion with one’s kinfolk – it always leads to happiness. Continue reading “Verse 207. Happy Company”