Verse 228. No One Is Exclusively Blamed Or Praised

There never was, there’ll never be
nor now is ever found
a person blamed perpetually
or one who’s wholly praised.

Explanation: There was never a person who was wholly, totally and exclusively blamed. Nor was there any time a person who was wholly, totally and exclusively praised. And, there will never will be such a person. Even today one cannot find such a person. Continue reading “Verse 228. No One Is Exclusively Blamed Or Praised”

Verse 227. There Is No One Who Is Not Blamed

An ancient saying, Atula,
not only said today –
‘They are blamed who silent sit,
who often speak they too are blamed,
and blamed are they of measured speech’ –
there’s none in the world unblamed.

Explanation: O’ Atula, This has been said in the olden days too – it is not just for today. They blame the person who remains silent. They find fault with the person who talks too much. Even with the individual who speaks in moderation, they find fault. In this world there is no one who is not blamed. Continue reading “Verse 227. There Is No One Who Is Not Blamed”