Verse 252. Easy To See Are The Faults Of Others

Other’s faults are easy to see
yet hard it is to see one’s own,
and so one winnows just like chaff
the faults of other people, while
hiding away those of one’s own
as crafty cheat the losing throw.

Explanation: The faults of others are clearly observed. But one’s own faults are difficult to see. A person winnows the fault of others into prominence, like chaff. He hides his own like the bird-hunter who conceals himself with leaves and twigs. Continue reading “Verse 252. Easy To See Are The Faults Of Others”

Verse 249. The Envious Are Not At Peace

People give as they have faith,
as they are bright with joyfulness.
Who’s troubled over gifts received,
the food and drink that others get,
neither in daytime nor by night
will come to a collected mind.

Explanation: The people give in terms of the faith they have in the recipient. They give in terms of their pleasure. If one were to be jealous when they receive, food and drink, he will never attain tranquillity of mind day or night. Continue reading “Verse 249. The Envious Are Not At Peace”

Verse 246. Wrong Deeds To Avoid

In the world who life destroys,
who words of falsity speaks,
who takes what is not freely given
or to another’s partner goes.

Explanation: One day a group of lay disciples who only kept one precept each, fell into dispute, each of them saying, “It’s a hard thing I have to do; it’s a hard precept I have to keep. Going to the Buddha to settle the dispute, the Buddha listened to what they had to say, and then, without naming a single precept as of lesser importance, said, “All precepts are hard to keep”. Continue reading “Verse 246. Wrong Deeds To Avoid”

Verse 244. The Shameless Life Is Easy

Easy the life for a shameless one
who bold and forward as a crow,
is slanderer and braggart too:
this one’s completely stained.

Explanation: If an individual possesses no sense of shame, life seems easy for him since he can live whatever way he wants with no thought whatsoever for public opinion. He can do any destruction he wishes to do with the skill of a crow. Just as that of the crow, the shameless person’s life, too, is unclean. He is boastful and goes ahead utterly careless of others. Continue reading “Verse 244. The Shameless Life Is Easy”