Verse 283. Shun Passion

The wood cut down but not a tree
since it’s from wood that fear is born.
Having cut wood and woodedness
O bhikkhus be without a wood.

Explanation: Monks, cut down the forest of defilements. But, do not cut down the trees. Fear comes from the forests of defilements. Clear both the forest and the undergrowth. Having done this achieve the state of Nibbana. Continue reading “Verse 283. Shun Passion”

Verse 282. Way To Increase Wisdom

From endeavour wisdom springs,
lacking effort wisdom wanes:
having known this two-fold path
either to progress or decline
so should one exhort oneself
that wisdom may increase.

Explanation: From reflection and concentrated meditation refined wisdom arises. Through the non-practice of concentrated wisdom erodes. Once these two paths – one leading to progress and the other to decline – are recognized, one must conduct one’s self to increased wisdom. Continue reading “Verse 282. Way To Increase Wisdom”

Verse 281. Purify Your Thoughts, Words And Deeds

In speech ever watchful with mind well-restrained
never with body do unwholesomeness.
So should one purify these three kamma-paths
winning to the Way made known by the Seers.

Explanation: If one is well-guarded in speech, well-restrained in mind, and if one refrains from physical misdeeds, that person will certainly attain the noble eight-fold path realized by the sages. Continue reading “Verse 281. Purify Your Thoughts, Words And Deeds”

Verse 280. The Lazy Miss The Path

Though time to strive, not striving,
while young and strong yet indeed,
weak-minded and irresolute:
one finds not wisdom’s way.

Explanation: If an individual does not make an effort even at a time when exertion is due, if a person is lethargic even when he is young and strong; if a person suppresses the wholesome thoughts that arise in his mind, if he is lazy, he will not find the path to wisdom. Continue reading “Verse 280. The Lazy Miss The Path”

Verse 278. All Component Things Are Sorrow

When with wisdom one discerns
the dukkha of conditioned things
one wearily from dukkha turns
treading the path to purity.

Explanation: All component things – all things that have been put together – all created things are sorrow-fraught. When this is realized through insight, one achieves detachment from suffering. This is the path to total freedom from suffering. Continue reading “Verse 278. All Component Things Are Sorrow”

Verse 277. Conditioned Things Are Transient

When with wisdom one discerns
transience of conditioned things
one wearily from dukkha turns
treading the path to purity.

Explanation: All component things, all things that have been put together, all created things are transient, impermanent, non-constant. When this realized through insight, one achieves detachment form suffering. This is the path to total freedom from blemishes. Continue reading “Verse 277. Conditioned Things Are Transient”